We’ve been observing how hard sometimes it was for you to work with our bulk uploader. Converting the file using the template that Storemapper supports sometimes could be a daunting task, especially when you receive your locations data in absolutely different format. That certainly takes your time and drives you away from your primary goal – get your locations on the map and as quickly as possible.
We hear you and we are delighted to announce, that new version of bulk upload is on its way and it’s aimed to make your life much easier. We are no longer asking you to add specific columns in the file and follow our format. We still support only .csv , but you can now upload your files with their original format and just map your own columns to Storemapper fields.

We also added the ability of loading split addresses. Before we asked you to merge them into one column using excel formula.
Uploader wizard will guide you through the whole process, making upload a matter of several clicks.

You’ll still be able to use previous version of bulk upload if you’re an old-school type of person 🙂
Stay tuned and you’ll see a notification in your dashboard once enhanced bulk upload is live.